What is Good Review Score?

What is Good Review Score?

We all believe that 5 stars out of 5 is the best review score for the business. Well, it is not true. Couple of months ago I saw the results of a research on that. Unfortunately, I cannot find it now even though I tried really hard. The thing is that the best review...
Why Amazon Handmade is a Trap for Any Seller?

Why Amazon Handmade is a Trap for Any Seller?

As much as customers love Amazon, artisans hate it. You may find a lot of complains about big fees (15% + $ 39.99 monthly charge for Pro Account ) but this is not the main issue with Amazon Handmade. Amazon may become your business and your dream killer just because...
Bad and Good Things About Shopify

Bad and Good Things About Shopify

Good 1. With Shopify you can make an online store by yourself in 3-7 days with nearly no investments ($ 100). 2. Shopify is the best first step to the real online shop. All your efforts on making Shopify store will not be lost when you decide to make a real online...