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How to add gift card and donate links to Google My Business?

How to add gift card and donate links to Google My Business?

What happened? In early May Google introduced support links to Google My Business. Initially available for English speaking markets (i.e., U.S., U.K, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand), support links are now expanding to 18 additional countries including...

How to update your social media accounts when nothing new happens?

How to update your social media accounts when nothing new happens?

Social networks want you to publish new posts regulartly. This is easy to do if you are an online media, blogger or someone whose business is to create content. But what if you are an owner of a small hotel or restaurant? Your business may have nothing new for weeks...

What to do with your old content? Step-by-step guide

What to do with your old content? Step-by-step guide

Why should you care about the old content of your website?   1. Old content can eat the crawl budget of your website. In other words, Google cannot index the whole internet. That is why it gives to each website a limited budget of the amount of pages to crawl and...

Google confirmed that page speed is not that important

Google confirmed that page speed is not that important

For years Google and other search engines pushed the idea of the importance of loading speed of your website. All hosting providers have been making their marketing campaigns around this idea. Businesses were spending tons of money and a lot of time on that. Page...

Few things to learn from corporates in COVID time

Few things to learn from corporates in COVID time

Surprisingly, big companies started their business transformation much faster than small and medium businesses. Some of their responses to COVID new reality can be applied successfully in smaller teams.  Most of them started with a clear message to their customers...

Modify your menu for delivery in the time of COVID-19

Modify your menu for delivery in the time of COVID-19

Many restaurants have started the delivery but very few of them modified their menu to fit the new reality. 1. Delivery-friendly dishes. Delivery is spoiling any perfect dish which has to be instantly served. Pasta turns into a tasteless brick, a beef steak turns into...

The Best Tool to Erase Photos Background in Bulk in 2020

The Best Tool to Erase Photos Background in Bulk in 2020 was made in 2019 and became the most favored background removing tool for anyone who tried it. Online shops owners will appreciate it highly since it detects the background better than any other tool and can process up to 1000 photos with one click. There is...

The most common mistake on Google Ads

The most common mistake on Google Ads

Google Ads shows many hints to improve Ads performance. Nevertheless there is one basic rule which advertisers usually don't follow. The advertised page and your website should contain a sufficient amount of keywords and keyphrases you use in Google Ads. Here are some...