Time needed: 3 hours

There are 5 simple steps to realize how far is your website from wished ranking on Google.

  1. Make a list of search queries which users need to enter to find your website now.

    To do that you will need to use either Google Search Console or Google Analytics.

  2. Add a wishlist of search queries

    Continue the current lish with search queries you wish Google to rank your website on the first page.

  3. Add importance marks in front of each search query in the list

    Simple importance marks like “High”, “Medium”, “Low” can help you to filter all search queries easily and make right priorities in the future.

  4. Add page links to your website in front of each search query where the query can be found in the text.

    Most likely you will find out that many if not all “wished” search queries don’t have any content on your website.

  5. Add a list of top 3 web pages of your current competitors for “High” priority wished search queries.

    You can simply enter wished search queries in Google and select top 3 in search results. It will be better if you use incognito mode of your browser to avoid partially search results personalisation.

Right after you finish with those steps you will be able to plan further steps to improve your website ranking for search queries which are important for you. The logic is that your website content for “High” important search queries should be better than on any other website.